Sunday, April 18, 2010

Citizen Cope

So a couple of months ago, I upgraded my Comcast cable for high definition. I ended up getting a new channel called "Palladia", which is all concerts, music videos and specials. It's awesome. It's been a nice way to discover new music. (because listening to the radio just isn't what it used to be...but that's for another post..) Anyway, I was watching a concert and heard a song called "Bullet and a Target" from an artist called "Citizen Cope". I was immidiately drawn in and really began to like the song.
When discovering a new artist, I like to buy one album, and then I'll usually end up getting all of them if I really like them. Two weeks ago, I bought two Cope albums and will buy the other two soon. He has an interesting mellow style, that lies somewhere next to Everlast, or Ben Harper, or occasionally some Reggae. His lyrics are about social issues, his take on the world, love, dispair, and hope. He is one of those artists where, if you leave his album on repeat, every time you listen to it, you will find something new to love each time. Every listen is better than the last. That is hard to find in today's ultra pop super crap music industry. Give Cope a listen, you won't be disappointed. (the 6 of you who actually read my blog that is)


  1. Which album would you recommend?

  2. I'd probably start with "The Clarence Greenwood Recordings." I also have "Every Waking Moment" which is also great.

  3. His duet with Santana is on TCGR, I think. Make a mix CD for Moab (Mobe). Not too long, though. We still have to listen to 5 hours of Howard Stern.
