Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Iv'e been thinking about this post for a while...not sure I'll actually be able to cover everything Iv'e thought about, but here's my best shot.

I saw an episode of Lost in my Television Appreciation class at Metro back in 2004. The episode I saw was when Sayid met Danielle, and she told him that she hadn't seen "other people" on the island, but she knew they were there....then Sayid went out into the jungle and heard the "chi chi ahh ahh" of the others in the jungle...I was hooked.

Although the show's quality has declined over the years, Iv'e always looked forward to watching the weeks' episode, and speculating on what will happen. It's been more than just a TV show to me, and to many people. Here's some things that I will always remember when I think about Lost.

1. The reason I bought a Tivo was because of Lost. I had to work every Wed. night, and my VCR would not record Lost correctly and I would be pissed! So I upgraded to a DVR and ditched the VCR for good. Thanks, Lost.

2. Cameron's old web board was there, but not really being used. Lost gave us all an excuse to log on every Wed. night, or Thursday morning to discuss the episode and throw out therories about the show and what would happen. Then after talking about Lost, we would go on to discuss any old topic. It was a great way to have a social connection with people I didn't get to see very often. Thanks, Lost.

3. I was able to introduce the show to most all of my good friends. I can take credit for turning them on to a good show, and I can continue to build my massive ego with that knowledge. Thanks, Lost.

4. Every year, the season finale would fall on the week that we would take our traditional memorial day camping trip. I would always look forward to coming home from my sweet ass camping trip, and being able to watch the season finale. It was always a great ending to a great few days. I still think of Lost when I think of camping at Lake Dillon. Thanks, Lost.

I'm sure there are many memories of the show that I am forgetting. And maybe it's a little sentimental. But even though the show isn't what it was in the first 2 seasons, it's still one of my favorite shows, and it will be missed.

Thanks, Lost.


  1. Wait! There's a class at Metro called "Television Appreciation?"

  2. Seriously though...(ellipsis) I enjoy Lost as well. I think that once they decided that the series was going to end, every Thursday morning's Lost conversation always ended with "I have no idea what's going on." I do remember watching Lost from the beginning - maybe Kilzer got me started - I don't remember. But, I have watched every episode. I remember working at the old 933 (where Mike started the day after Thanksgiving [Thanks, Regan]) and talking at the huddle about Lost. Then, I'd have an omelet and french fries at Food Ave. Thanks, Lost.

  3. It sucks when you blog, and then blogger doesn't let you read the comments tbat others have added to your blog. Total fail.

  4. R.I.P. LOST.
    What a journey that led the chatboard full circle.

    What's our next show, Kilz?
    Man, I'm gonna miss that show, too!

  5. Ah, Lost. Thanks for making the chatboard viable. And thanks for giving us something to talk about when we were drunk in the middle of the week. Thanks especially for giving us that great scene where Kate stripped down to her skivvies and swam in that pool below the waterfall.

    And thanks for finally being over, not being too much of a let-down, and again for that Kate scene, because that was great! ha ha ha

  6. Ughhhh. So, I'm happy LOST is over so that I may quit hearing horny quips about Kate. That's a total plus to the series ending.

    "Ooooh, Kate."
    "Dude, Kate is so hot!"
    "Mmmmmmmm. Kate."

    Enough already!

  7. Who? Kate? Yeah...she's hot, all right.
    Extra hot.

  8. Yes Kate has been...and always shall be....HOT.
