Sunday, February 22, 2009

Trial and error

Well, if anyone finds my "unadvertised" blog, good for you. I wasn't really planning on doing any "blogging" or "blogging related activity", but I wanted to follow Cameron's blog. While signing up for my own "blogger" account, I started to build my own page. "The Declaration of Kilzpendance". I'm not really sure what that means, but it was the only other name I thought of besides, "The Kilz Sea Scrolls." I didn't think that was so great. So anyway, here we go. Hopefully there won't be any errors, and in any sort of trial I will be found "innocent" by my peers. Unless i'm accused of being super cool, smart, incredibly good looking and funny. Then I'm guilty as charged.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Cool indeed.

    Alternate Blog Titles:

    "What doesn't Kilz you makes you stronger"


    "The Kilzer Initiative"

    "Kilzianic Flight 815"

    "Tales of a 4th Grade Kilzer"

    "If you've seen one Kilz, you've seen them both"

    "Sick and Dope at the Same Time"

    Anyway, good luck and best wishes with the blog! Gimme a call about the Analytics if you're interested.
