Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Most Irritating

Let me tell you all what irritates me. When people have a headlight that is out on their car, and rather than fixing it,they drive around with their brights on! Seriously, I know that in today's challenging economic times it is hard to spend money on frivilous items, but a headlight is NOT a frivilous item! They really don't cost that much at all! If you can afford to drive, you can afford to buy a new bulb! I wish these lazy people would just drive to frickin' Auto Zone (in the daytime please....) and buy a replacement. They usually cost under $10, and there's a handy guide there to tell you exactly which bulb to buy.

Shut off your brights! It's annoying to people in front of you! It's also annoying to people drving towards you! Take the bus! Walk! Hitchhike! Don't leave the house!

I will continue to drive 10 miles under the speed limit if you are behind me until you pass me. Then I will drive right behind you so my lights (not my brights mind you...) will blind you in your rearview.

Fix them already!

That is all for now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kilzing you soflty with my words

Changed the blog name to "Kilzing you softly with my words." Thanks to Cameron for the great name. That's about it.


Monday, March 9, 2009


Watchmen (Kilzer's first movie review on the blog)

I saw Watchmen tonight. Let me say first, that I have not read the graphic novel(even though it is regarded as one of the best of all time, and I intend to buy it at work tomorrow...) and I didn't know much about the plot line. So going into it, I had little expectations. I was pleasantly surprised...

This movie really felt like you were watching a comic book. Not a cheesy comic book movie like George Cloony's Batman...but like a well written comic story that was actually turned into a movie. Now, I am a HUGE fan of Iron Man as well as the first 2 X-Men films. I think they were created with a "good" comic book feel. But I do believe that Watchmen was a more "direct" translation.

The characters were developed, but not overdeveloped. I was able to get a good sense for each character's life, history and purpose. By the middle of the film, I defiently cared about each person and their own personal struggle.

The fight scenes were great too. Not overdone or campy, but the right amount of close up action, mixed in with some slow-mo shots too. Other great action was the love scene between two characters....I won't give up the details of that!

One of the things I love most about super hero movies, is the point in the film where the hero suddenly realizes that he/she is capable of achieving great things, and then becomes an active participant. No longer someone who doubts themselves. Examples from some of my favorites:

Unbreakable - The scene where David calls up Mr. Glass on the phone and asks him what to do...Mr. Glass says"go where the people are". David goes to the train station and steps in to find his destiny...awesome.

V for Vendetta - When Evey is released from the "prison" and is set free by "V". She goes outside into the rain to realize she is reborn, and actually has a meaningful purpose.

Iron Man - The scene where Tony is repairing the armor. Pepper tells Tony that he is going to get himself killed and he needs to stop. He tells her that there is "no benefits. no art showing. there is only the next mission." Spoken like a man who realizes what he has to do.

The reason I write about these scenes, is that Watchmen has smiliar scenes/realizations too. Except these heroes are more of the fallen type. They have to remember what made them great and somehow dig down deep inside to regain the confidnece to do the job. I won't ruin it by giving away what happens, but there are fine moments.

Oh, there is plenty of violence, sex, nudity and cursing too. If that's not your cup of tea, then stay away! Otherwise, enjoy Watchmen. I certainly did.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

R.I.P. Circuit City

So Circuit City officially went out of business. It really doesn't surprise me, I could have told you it was doomed about 10 years ago. The company was not run well, with poor leadership and upper management. But, as in any company, there are some great people that did work hard and now have unfortunately lost their jobs. That is sad for anyone. Good luck to all of those people, I'm glad I bailed before the ship went down....

But now I want to talk about all of the great people that I spent time with at Circuit. Some of you reading this will know some of these people, and you may not know any. Here's my short tribute to the people I know and love that shared time with me at Circuit.

Regan, Chad, Corey, Coltharp, Canino (hey Kilzie! Not only is she beautiful, but she's smart too!) Carrie, Holly Jo, Todd (Ha!) Dan, Dickey, Dorris, Jen, Janette, Terry, Jennifer, Doug, Amber, Josh, Mike, and so many others I sure I am forgetting. We all had some great times at Circuit and I hope everyone will remember those.

One small story to leave you with. I worked at the Fort Collins store for a little over a year in 1997/1998. A few days before I transferred, I was going to clean the dust off the baler in the back in receiving. I had a bucket with some cleaner/water in it, and a sponge. So the first thing I did was wet the sponge, and write "KILZ" on the side of the baler in large capital letters. Then, I was paged to the front to help load a TV or Fridge or whatever....and I never made it back to the baler to finish the job. The funniest thing about this story is....NO ONE made it to finish the job! It was never cleaned, but a representative from the baler company came in a few weeks later to re-paint it, and painted right over the top of my large "KILZ"! About a year later, I came to the Fort Collins store, and Dan and I went in the back to look at the baler. There on the side, plain as day, was "KILZ." Permanently written in paint. I'm sure that the baler company has reclaimed that baler, and put it back into circulation in another retailer. Funny that my name on the side of a baler lasted longer than Circuit City. I will always love the great memories I made there, as well as the great friends.

R.I.P. Circuit City