Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Most Irritating

Let me tell you all what irritates me. When people have a headlight that is out on their car, and rather than fixing it,they drive around with their brights on! Seriously, I know that in today's challenging economic times it is hard to spend money on frivilous items, but a headlight is NOT a frivilous item! They really don't cost that much at all! If you can afford to drive, you can afford to buy a new bulb! I wish these lazy people would just drive to frickin' Auto Zone (in the daytime please....) and buy a replacement. They usually cost under $10, and there's a handy guide there to tell you exactly which bulb to buy.

Shut off your brights! It's annoying to people in front of you! It's also annoying to people drving towards you! Take the bus! Walk! Hitchhike! Don't leave the house!

I will continue to drive 10 miles under the speed limit if you are behind me until you pass me. Then I will drive right behind you so my lights (not my brights mind you...) will blind you in your rearview.

Fix them already!

That is all for now.


  1. I've been guilty of that. That's right, I said it.

  2. Well, that issue is annoying. But I find it much more irksome when blinkers are neglected. Or grass in Phoenix. That one can set me off, too. Or texting non-stop. Now that's irritating! It's as if the person secretly (or not so secretly) doesn't want to be where he or she is at, but will grace people with their physical presence. WHAT IS THAT? Call the person for chrissake! and be done with it!

    BTW - I like the new name of your blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have been accused of walking around life with a headlight out... I dont think it was a compliment.
